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Why should you drink a lot of water during alcohol intoxication?

According to research, a person needs to drink water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day.

If a person drinks alcohol, the rate of water does not change (of course, the volume of alcohol consumed is not included in the calculation). Moreover, due to the fact that alcoholic beverages lead to dehydration of the body, it is recommended to consume the daily norm of water (30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight) and, in addition, as much water as a person has consumed an alcoholic beverage. That is, if you allowed yourself a glass of wine at dinner, then you should add another glass of water to the daily norm.

When drinking alcohol, it is necessary to drink 300 ml of water in addition to the daily individual norm of water for each:

  • 25 ml of strong drinks;
  • 100 ml of wine;
  • 250 ml of beer.

In addition to dehydration, alcoholic beverages also disrupt the water-salt balance and lead to poisoning of the body with toxic metabolites. And although drinking the necessary amount of liquid will not save the body from alcohol intoxication, it will significantly alleviate its consequences.

What is alcohol intoxication?

The main cause of alcohol poisoning is the consumption of any alcoholic beverages, regardless of their quantity or strength, because they all contain ethanol. The risk of poisoning depends on many factors, including: age, gender, weight, body structure, functional state of the liver, the presence of concomitant diseases and drinking enough water.

The liver processes alcohol: ethanol turns into acetaldehyde, a strong toxin that negatively affects the entire body.<.p>

The main signs of dehydration are: thirst and dry mouth, frequent urination, dark urine, weakness and dizziness.<.p>

How should water be consumed during intoxication and why is Aqua Myrhorod DETOX the best choice?

To neutralize toxins in the body, it is necessary to use electrolytes: sodium (Na), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca). It is these elements that help the liver to neutralize toxins formed as a result of alcohol consumption and to restore the water-salt balance.

It is recommended not to drink the entire volume of water at once, but to take 3-5 sips once an hour during the day. Drinking 1 liter of water at once can cause nausea and vomiting (depending on the degree of intoxication).

Ordinary bottled or tap water contains a small amount of electrolytes. Therefore, to help the liver, it is advisable to use water of a special composition, and Aqua Myrhorod DETOX is best suited for this, because it contains a naturally balanced composition that includes all the above-mentioned electrolytes.