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What is mineral water and what does it contain?

There is an idea that the main characteristic of mineral water is the bulbs. Of course, it is incorrect, even mineral water is called instead of various minerals and salts. Fresh natural mineral water is obtained from deep wells and is naturally rich in microelements from rocks. Such water can be the mother of licentious power, stored in a mineral warehouse.

Mineral water is often used not only for drinking, but also for spa treatments and baths. It can be either carbonated or non-carbonated, and it is often recommended to drink it to maintain overall goodness and health.

So what is mineral water?

Mineral water is natural underground water that prevents the deterioration of minerals. It comes from natural rocks or comes from deep holes. Instead of regular drinking water, mineral water has a stable composition and concentration of mineral substances, which gives it its medicinal power.

Mineral water is divided into a number of types in storage, similar to the vicor method. The skin has its own unique properties and may be suitable for different needs of the body.

The most broad types include:

  • Table water is a type of mineral water that contains a low concentration of minerals, up to 1 gram of minerals per liter and is suitable for gentle drinking.
  • Liquor-table water is natural mineral water that contains a moderate concentration of minerals: from 1 to 10 grams of minerals per liter. It can be used both for drinking and for licentious purposes, there are specific powers that need to be used for health, but its life will require careful caution.
  • Bathing water contains a high concentration of minerals and microelements, up to 10 grams of minerals per liter, and is used mainly for therapeutic procedures under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Bark microelements in mineral water.

    Mineral water is rich in various microelements, which can have a positive impact on health:

  • Calcium (Ca) supports healthy brushes and teeth. It is important for the normal function of the nervous system and muscles, as well as the processes of laryngeal blood.
  • Magnesium (Mg) contributes to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduces stress and improves sleep. Important for healthy brushes and metabolism, it helps with muscle spasms and cramps.
  • Sodium (Na) supports sodium balance in the body. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles. Helps regulate blood pressure.
  • Potassium (K) is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Helps regulate the balance of electricity and electrolytes.
  • The skin of these microelements plays an important role in maintaining health, so drinking mineral water can have a positive effect on the body’s vitality.

    What do you need to know when choosing and drinking mineral water?

    Mineral water is a valuable natural product. However, in order to maximize the benefits of drinking water, it is important to choose and drink the right water. Here are a few tips that will help you make the right choice:

    Select mineral water:

  • Reading labels: turn over the water on the labels to check the content of microelements and their concentration.
  • Type of water: use table mineral water for daily drinking, and table or sanitary water for specific needs, with the doctor’s recommendation.
  • Favorite brand: collect water from your favorite brewers to drink in their jars.
  • Collect water according to your needs and health:

  • For etching: water, rich in bicarbonate, helps normalize etching.
  • For brushes:water, rich in calcium, cinnamon for brushes and teeth.
  • For the heart:water with high magnesium content is good for the cardiovascular system.
  • Taking mineral water:

    For basic health, 1-2 liters of table mineral water per day is sufficient. Take the bath water as recommended by your doctor.

    To maximize the absorption of brown minerals, it is recommended to drink water directly, 30-60 days before or 1-2 years after drinking. This helps to color the etching and ensures a shorter healing effect.

    It is best to drink water at room temperature or slightly chilled, so as not to irritate the cunt.

    If you have a chronic illness, be sure to consult a doctor before drinking medicinal mineral waters. Store mineral water in a cool, dark place to preserve its potency.

    Natural mineral water Aqua Mirgorod DETOX can be a valuable addition to a healthy way of life and diet. It doesn’t just cause swelling, but it also saturates the body with essential microelements, which brings a vital boost to health and helps reduce stress, too.